Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Sunshine Girl!

(I know I said I wouldn't write for a while but, I didn't want to miss Hailey's Birthday)
I call her my sunshine girl because when she is around it is if the sun is always shining!
Today she is 4!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Sorry for this little note but, there is so much going on in my life right now that I feel I can't keep up with this blogging. I read back over my blogs and it's as if I should have been writing in my journal instead. I am really having a hard time with some things that are going on and feel I shouldn't share them here. I need to figure out some major life decisions - I am having such a tough time! I am grateful for all the friendships I have been able to reconnect. Please don't loose touch. Maybe in time I will be able to share more but, as for now, I just need to think things out! I am sorry but, thank you all again for being my friends!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Random pictures of things going on.

Here's some random pictures since I haven't posted any for a while.
This is Tyler and Howard in the play they did back in Feb. Tyler is in the back on the stairs and Howard is in the front left. One of the guys came here from Sweeden to be in the play and as their good bye gifts he made every one a shirt. Tyler's says "cool breeze" and Howards says "old maid mail man". Part of it was inside jokes and part of it had to do with things they said in the play.
This is the boy Hailey is going to marry. (the one on the left) His name is Jaxon. Hailey's hair was pulled back so, that's why it looks like she doesn't have any hair. She had a sleep over with Jaxon because he's moving to Utah. Brenden said he needed to sleep with them and watch over his sister! Hailey was so funny - she said "don't worry we're not going to kiss!" I wasn't worried until that's what she said!!

This is the new shack we just bought. This is the before picture! It needed soooo much work!

This is the after picture! YAA! It looks so much better. Howard was so busy driving tractor and working at the post office. I had to paint it myself so it took 2 days - my poor back killed me when it was done! My friend Summer does vinyl letters and stuff so I had her make the stuff you see in the window. (if you need anything she is very inexpensive and good - just jump on her blog and talk to her) Anyway! Glad to have it finished it's just not going as good as we hoped. We still need to invest another $3000 into it before we will really start seeing money like we want. We are thinking about taking it to Reno for Hot August Nights but, it's like$2000 to just be a vendor! (for those who are not big car fans it's the biggest car "show off" in the U.S. My dad and bro James have been able to show off their cars in the "cruise". I think it takes like 3 or 4 years of waiting to even get picked to have you car picked to be in it. But, it's hot that week and could make tons - but, that's a ton to put out front to just hope you'll make it back!

Last night I wish I would have remembered my camera for the scout camp thing. We made dutch oven stuff. I found a fun recipe for "Pepsi Chicken", BBQ ribs, campout potatoes, and sticky buns. The Pepsi chicken was a hit with the boys! I thought it would be a great way to teach them that cooking could be fun. Funny thing - it worked! They all asked if I would give them the recipes so they could make it for their families.
FYI the chicken you just put the chicken in the dutch oven cover it with bbq sauce then put pepsi (or you could use rootbeer) in the dutch oven til it almost covers the chicken. Cook for about half and hour to and hour (depending on your heat).
Well, it's Saturday and finally stopped raining - I need to go so my garden is not taken over completely by weeds.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Always Running!

That's what I feel like that I am just running in circles half the time - so much is going on all summer long! We are booking events for the summer with the shaved ice shack (this is to pay for 8 kids school clothes, missions, colleges, and everything else these guys need!) I said 8 kids in school because Hailey is going to start preschool this year. She can't wait! Abby is not going to do well without her sidekick. or is it that she is the sidekick? They do everything together and if they notice they haven't seen the other after a few minutes they start asking where they are. I am glad to see them so close.
This year we will have so much going on even when school does start
Greg will be a senior - he doesn't do sports or anything but we are hoping starts making some life plans this year.
Ashley will be a sophmore- at least she listens to me- she knows where she needs to go to college because of what it offers for her major. She is on a spirit team - kind of like the kids who run around pumping everyone up for games - mostly football. The whole town literally shows up to the games. Stores even close so they can attend. Pretty fun!
Tyler will be a freshman- AHH! I can't believe he is going to be in high school! my how the years have ran by me! Tyler is going to summer school so he's not happy about that, as for him, he normally does something during the year with sports. Mostly just having a possy of girls follow him around. Not even kidding - everytime I see him at school or any school event he has between 3 and 10 girls trailing behind him. His best friend loves it because he loves the attention from the girls!
Heidi will be in 8th grade - she does track and cross county. She totally gets that from her dad! Her mom hated sports and as for me - I am not one who enjoys running at all!
Brenden will be in 6th grade which here is middle school. He can't wait it's all he can talk about. He is starting to finally feel like he's getting older. Tyler's not real happy about it. It's almost funny!
Melanie will be in 5th grade - she just reads and reads. No friends or sports just loves to be alone with a book. I guess that's how her mom was.
Natalie will be in 2nd grade- Natalie just likes to go to school. She hates doing the work and doesn't like sports. I think she just likes to play outside all day.
Hailey like I said will be starting preschool this summer she is also taking swimming lessons. She says she can't wait. She also wants to start golfing lessons. This of course makes Howard so proud! He will finally have a golfing buddy! Hailey already has a boyfriend who says he loves her and of course she loves him and is planning the wedding. She wants cake and flowers in her hair! It's so funny! We have a couple of weddings to attend in the next few months so I should put flowers in her hair.
Abby- she just cracks me up! All the kids want to be bigger than they are but her. If you ask her if she is a big girl or a baby she will tell you that she is mommy's baby! She is even working on potty training and she wants to still be my baby!

Well, I'd better run the kids are waking up and I have to run out to scout camp today and help them cook. I am a cooking merit badge leader.