Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Special Olympics

Many of you may know that the Special Olympics are going on in Boise, Idaho right now. The Japanese delegates stayed here in our little hick town. It was pretty funny to drive through town with everyone taking pictures of everything. I felt like we were at Disneyland! The delegates went to each of the kids schools and visited classes. They taught the kids a little more about their culture. It was a great experience and the kids have not stopped talking about it. A couple of them even keep walking around saying Japanese words to each other. I am grateful for good schools and teachers that care! So here's a few pictures of what the little girls and I did with the special Olympics this week. We went and watched the torch run. Abby & Hailey were cheering and yelling it was pretty funny!
The second picture is when we followed after the police escort to the high school. Hailey & Abby rolled down the windows and waved to everyone. Some of the kids that were along the way were yelling ......"Hey that's the ....(our last name)!" Hailey thought that was pretty cool that people knew who she was. In this small town not many don't know who we are. We are pretty active in our community. It was really cute to watch the girls so I had to jump out and get a picture- it didn't transfer very well.

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