Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Help is on the WAY!!

Well, we went to the counselors. She is very nice and I am very grateful!! Natalie seemed to take right to her. The counselor is thinking that after every thing we told her (about all the problems) that she is looking to get attention at any cost. This is a scary way to get attention! The over protective mom in me is still kicked in and wants to protect Hailey. I am going to have to work very very hard to find good in Natalie. I am trying to remember that she is important to Heavenly Father and that I am responsible to help her in this life. But, this is a start, counseling once a week for a while. That with constant prayers we may survive this. My love for Howard is what is keeping me from running away and not looking back.


Marian Scadden said...

Yes! Yes! Do find good in Natalie--every LITTLE thing you can find to praise her. Every time she passes by, a quick hug. She needs you so much; you're the only mother she's ever really known.

Marian Scadden said...

And yay for good counselors.