Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to my baby boy! Ok so he's big now!

Here's a quick trip down photo memory lane..........

This is Tyler last year at my parents house on his birthday
Tyler at 2 years old.

Tyler at 18 months old. ahhhhhhhhh so cute!

Tyler and mommy at his blessing. Cute boy in his tux.

Tyler (and mommy) what a happy boy! This was a trip to grandma & grandpa's in Cali.

I wanted to be a mom so badly. When I had Tyler it added something wonderful to my life. WOW now Tyler is 14 going to dances and all the other fun stuff. I can't believe that in 6 months he will be driving! (with a permit) Next year you'll all need to stay off the roads! (In Idaho the kids can drive at 14 1/2) I know scary! LOL
I love you son, Happy Birthday!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

The picture with him in the tree wearing the cowboy hat is the cutest!!!!