Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pine Wood Derby.....for scouts or leaders?

This was such a funny picture I had to post it! Poor Abby being "dressed up" by Tyler & Brenden with some beany. Brenden took this picture -to funny!This was such a cute shot that Brenden took of Hailey & Abby on the horse taking a ride. Hailey's giving Bren the "tumbs up"! The girls love riding!

Tuesday evening was the annual Pine Wood Derby. It was the last one for Brenden so I was pretty excited. Yet, it wasn't fun!! Not for the parents or the kids!! We have a new cub master, she was at the top of the track and her husband was at the bottom. They raced all the kids cars! The boys couldn't even hear if it was their car being raced. All the boys were pretty upset and so were the parents! I went and told the scout master that they couldn't hear their names- she made the guy who was saying what cars they were talk louder but it was still sad for the boys not to be able to race their own cars!! (Don't get me wrong - I love the scout master, just didn't like the way things were ran.) All the boys were so upset they just went a played - You can see Brenden off to the right just playing - Heidi is there too, they were playing with Hailey & Abby.


Jen said...

That is really sad! Devin was really upsed when we found out that the scouts here had their durby at the begining of March. I guess we didn't miss out on much this year!

Merrimom said...

That stinks!!!! I personally think that's the reason for the derby is for the boys to make their cars AND race them. Oh man, I'm sorry.... I'd be kind of upset too.